Advertise at TMW | Tallinn Music Week

Advertise at TMW

Why advertise at Tallinn Music Week?

  • Present your product or service to music industry companies and organisations across Europe (over 1000 delegates).
  • New customer base from the Baltics & Eastern-Europe for European music industry products and services.
  • Reach a target group of 35,000 festival visitors (culture lovers, youngsters, musicians, journalists, music industry professionals, tourists).

What we offer

  • Full page ad at Tallinn Music Week delegates’ booklet (1100 pc), distributed to music industry professionals and international press.
  • News/ad in TMW electronic delegates newsletter distributed monthly from December to April to all our registered delegates (internationally active music and other creative industry companies and international press).
  • Possibility to insert your flyer / product / promo item to our goodie bag (900 pc), distributed to music industry professionals and international press.
  • Creative presence at the conference lobby.

Let us know your own idea and we’ll work it out. Contact us for above requests