Urban Space | Tallinn Music Week

Urban Space

Light and sound installations by Estonian Academy of Arts students brought a wonderful light and shadows to the Noblessner port city.


Take a look at TMW 2019 Urban Space programme:

Thu, 28.03 – Sat, 30.03

Light and sound installations

The light and sound installations made by the students of EKA under the umbrella title “Time as Light” provide access to the lighted spaces uniting scenarios of the past and future. The students’ installations were created under the guidance of sculptor Elo Liiv. In addition to the scenic sunsets, in Noblessner one can enjoy a wonderful show of light and shadows at dawn during TMW.

Students: Silvia Ilves, Henri Kaarel Luht, Merilin Põldsam, Kati Masonry, Elis Rumma, Rebeka Vaino, Eliise Saar, Klarika Mäeots-Uustal, Mati Uust, Elisabeth Juusu, Joonas Timmi, Moonika Mällo, Johanna Põldemaa, Annika Ülejõe, Karl Kristian Kits.

There is opportunity to meet students and artists at the opening of the exhibition on March 28 at 21:00. The light installations remain open only on three nights, and on Sunday, Noblessner’s port city is all the same.

Silvia Ilves, Henri Kaarel Luht

Let the river be free and flow along an unusual path. Let the river carry the man and show him the way. So when he has a start, so calm and good. So he has the end where the waters mix.

Water symbolizes purity and fluidity. He breaks down the negative, clears the mood, and leaves the surface only positive. “Invisible” let water carry them, running towards a more open environment. Water guides them to freedom, where new boundaries can only be determined by themselves.

Merilin Põldsam, Kati Müüripeal

Shipyard – time passes, and once comes a time to leave, nothing is eternal. Times change, everything comes and goes, but the walls will remain. Maybe there is also a memory in the house that has struck the walls as vibrations; cracks covered with new paint.

Perceiving by sight, suspending from floor to floor, from room to room, it might paint a picture of what could have been here, regardless of what is here now. Endings are sorrow filled, but let them at least be beautiful sorrows. The end of something old is also the start of something new. Every building has its own story and breath. Let it gleam through the windows and get out of its room for just a moment, to give us its final touch.

Elis Rumma, Rebeka Vaino, Eliise Saar

What happens in the dark, smoky, mysterious technoclubs? Who are the mystical people who get into them? What goes on behind the beatcurtain of the latest techno track? One can only find out by diving into the clubs themselves. Yet, without lifting the mystical veil of the club, we will  bring to you the feeling from inside Hall, right on the facade of it. Like Berghain in Berlin, Hall is now the biggest and baddest technoclub in Estonia and we will make sure you will not get bored whilst waiting in the line, hoping to get past the bouncer.

Our biggest thanks to the Hall family, especially Karl- Erik Leik, Skiso, Mihkel Kõrvits… but of course the whole family who welcomed us with open arms and helped a lot!

Klarika Mäeots-Uustal, Mati Uustal

How reliable are our memories? We are able to perceive our surroundings as much as our body enable us to. Person’s cognitive ability is shaped by one’s past ordeals. Hence, everyone’s experiences are unique. Furthermore, memories tend to fade over time, if not get distorted. Fragments deconstructs the outcome created by our senses and translates it to a timeless dreamlike atmosphere, ready to be entered.

Thank you: Sandra Uustal

Light messenger
Elisabeth Juusu, Joonas Timmi, Nina Lang

We want to explore alternative means of expression and use light as a means of transmitting a message. We want to involve passing people, intrigue them to experiment and use light for self-expression. The passers-by are couraged to take a light laser and thereby create short-lived works by illuminating light-sensitive boards, thus becoming a temporary co-author of the work.

The Whole Picture
Moonika Mällo, Johanna Põldemaa, Annika Ülejõe

Stop for a moment. Look around. Look through the four invisible walls surrounding you. Look at the bigger picture. The whole picture. Put together a picture of everything around you. Everything you’ve ever seen. The result of every little thing you’ve ever done. What’s the picture like? What are you willing to do to change that?

Light patterns
Karl Kristian Kits

Imagine you are flying over the dance celebration stadium and you can create patterns from the dancers above, all this according to your will. What would these patterns be like?

The installation gives every passer-by the opportunity to be the headman of the dance festival and create his own light-dance party with the help of 100 searchlights. The dance of the light beams in the spring wind and in the late-night fog form a beautiful spectacle that could be admired even from distance. The work is inspired by the XX dance celebration festival in 2019.

Sat, 30.03, 16:00

Street art tour

Telliskivi Creative City is one of the most joyous places in Tallinn, where street art or graffiti could be enjoyed at every step. We couldn’t imagine Creative City with gray walls and, frankly, we don’t have a memory like that. But how did these paintings occur and what is the main thing they tell you? On March 30th a street art tour will take place in the Creative City of Telliskivi, which will look into the interior of the works of art, while trying to remember whether there was ever a pre-street art era in Telliskivi.

Tour begins at Telliskivi Reval Cafe.
Tour is organised by Tartu Pseudo Tours and guided by Salme Kulmar.
Duration 2 hours.